Photograph by andfour Dance

Ross and Nikita are bringing us their Sense and Sense – ibility workshop.

Ross Craigie 

After seeing Ceroc danced at a friends party MANY moons ago, I decided that I wanted to learn to dance – Fast forward quite a few years and I now own Ceroc Norwest with Nikita and Sally as well as operate as the Ceroc New Zealand Franchise. I enjoy teaching and watching the “A – HA” moments that happen in the learning journey. Having recently returned to the competing scene I am enjoying being able to show my love of music through my passion for dance. Dance is something special we can share with so many people and I can’t wait to add something to your tool kit. 

Nikita Brown 

Dance has always been something I’ve loved and teaching others about something I’m so passionate about is a joy! I love being able to make people “see” the little things within a song through movement as well as watch people nail that one thing they have been working on. You’ll catch me dancing even when judging as I just can’t help myself. I enjoy competing as much as I do a good ol social groove and opportunity to spectate. See you this weekend!