Competition Categories

Simply is a fun competition, where the emphasis is on enjoying yourselves, and entertaining the audience.  Therefore we’ve dropped the traditional competition categories in favour of a few other options.


  • Dance Roulette
  • Swaps and Steals
  • Lucky Dip

Dance Roulette

Partner: Required
Lead & Follow: Any gender
Switch lead/follow: Not permitted unless required

In this exciting category, we’re aiming to find the best all-rounder.  We’re going to present you with a challenge, and only the best will make it through!  This consists of:

  • Music Mash-up
  • Infinity
  • Blind Date (one of the lead or follow is blind-folded, as per pre-selection)
  • Switched (see explanation below)
  • Broken Wing (only one pre-selected arm permitted for the leads, follows may use either arm)
  • Floorials (see explanation below)

This year we’ve changed up the categories in Roulette.  We’ve replaced Freestyle and Vice Versa with two new categories which are:

Switched: This category means you are swapping roles through the dance. As many times as you like, the more obvious and flamboyant the switch – the more points you get.

Floorials:  This fun category is all about changing levels in your dance.  A floorial is where one part of your body that isn’t a foot is on the floor.  So…  a crouch is not considered a floorial.  A knee slide is.

Be creative.  It doesn’t have to be a move per se.  And just so we aren’t getting confused – lying down on the floor and doing an arm jive isn’t a floorial – it’s lying on the floor doing an arm jive.  Funny?  Yes.  Floorial – no.

Safety is key.  All the other rules apply.  (aerials, death spirals and supported moves)

You still need to keep partnership in mind and don’t forget dancing to the music.  So getting to and from the floor is just as important as the floorial.

Floorials is about trying out heights and levels – either solo or with your partner and having a bit of fun.

So how does Dance Roulette work?

  • Every couple will dance three rounds with the couples in each heat randomised
  • Each round and both songs in the final will be a different category from the list above
  • Points will be allocated in each heat, and combined for an overall score
  • Illegal moves (e.g. letting go in Infinity, wrong hand in Broken Wing, etc.) will earn 0 points for the round in which it occurs – competitors are not disqualified
  • The top six based on point totals will progress through to the final
  • The final will be two songs with two different categories, and will be winner takes all.  (i.e. not added to preliminary points)
  • Normal ranked judging will be used throughout

Swaps and Steals

Partner: Two required
Lead & Follow: Any gender
Switch lead/follow: Permitted

A team of three dancers enter this event, but only two can dance together at any one time. The spare person swaps or steals the lead or follow role from the dancing couple in a way that doesn’t interrupt the flow of the dance and you can change roles when you swap or steal a dancer. There may be a brief connection between all three dancers during a swap or steal but it shouldn’t last any longer than required for the transition. Different level competitors may compete together.

Lucky Dip

Partner: Not required
Lead: Any gender
Follow: Any gender
Switch lead/follow: Not allowed

Dancers enter this category on their own and on the day before the competition we will randomly pair you up with another dancer who will be your partner for the entire event. Unfortunately with Lucky Dip we cannot accommodate surplus ladies (or men). Those who apply for Lucky Dip are taken on a first paid first served basis. This year we will pool names into different groups based on level and region before randomly assigning partners to increase the likelihood that you a paired with someone from a different level and region.

More information

Competition home page


Levels and Points