Ren & Dave

Fortune smiled deviously in our direction and we found ourselves with the unexpected honour of having a mage, a weaver of magic and previous master of Simply Dave Ellis in our midst. So lickety split we paired Dave with our own minx of mischief Ren to see what gorgeous chaos in the shape of a workshop they could bring us.

They’re bringing you the Kinetic Intuition workshop Kinetic Intuition.

Ren says:

Dancing changed my life. My mum took me to a class when I was home visiting and I sat in the car all the way home smiling saying that was the best night ever. When I moved to Australia my chronic pain condition was so bad I had to quit my job and I couldn’t leave the house for months. I needed a pick me up, so I looked up that fun dance style I had tried and I was right it was awesome. I went to one class in Sydney and I was hooked and I changed my whole life around it. Since then I’ve taken classes all around the world. I love taking all the tips I’ve learned from all the different people and places I’ve been, to coach people to be the best they can be and bring the joy that I got from dance to as many people as I can. My priority is teaching smooth connection and emotional performance and putting the two together so dancers can make the audience feel something. I love watching my students take what I taught them and do better with it than I could have imagined.


Dave is a passionate teacher, incredible dancer and super smart fulla. He takes really complex concepts and shares them in ways that make sense. 

Then he gives you practical and tangible ways to put what you’ve learned into practice. 

You’ll come away from workshops with him feeling like a better dancer. You come off the dance floor after dancing with him and feel like not a mistake was made. 

He’s a weaver of magic! 

Quote supplied by one of the many underlings of the Dark One™.