Ben & Keita

We’re delighted to announce that iDance’s very own Keita and Ben will be running one of their fabulous workshops and have also been invited to be one of our masters couples this year too!

Come learn to make mischief with these two.

Ben says:

I started off as a rhythmless nugget. It took me 3 months to convince my family that I actually danced (by showing them). Further, it took me several years to hear and find the beat 😅 (it still eludes me sometimes). I like the movements and freedom dance brings and most of all; I love seeing people’s faces light up when they get that dance joy! Fantastic people, community and connection make dance for me 😊 I want to push principles for smooth enjoyable dances that open the door to more fun and creativity.

Keita says:

I got tricked into coming to dance the first time…but I’ve pretty much been hooked since then.

I love the silly fun that you find on the dance floor, I love watching newbies get confident, watching returning dancers fall in love with dance all over again.

But most of all I love watching our community grow, friends being made, couples falling in love and families created. Dance, for me is about the family we choose, because many of us live away from our turangawaewae. Dancing is our connection, the stories we weave and tell together.

I’m fortunate to be part of iDance, a part this hapori, this collection of people from the North, South, East and West of Welly. I am really stoked to share with you all, this Simply, my love of dance and a whole heaping helping of silly fun.