
Modern Jive
This is a Modern Jive competition so we expect to see Modern Jive dancing with a concertina (in and out) type of movement. The beauty of Modern Jive is that it borrows from many dance styles and so we are likely to also see an influence from other styles on the move vocabulary and footwork used, but the dance should still appear to be mostly Modern Jive.

Partner Dance
Modern Jive is a partner dance and we require partners to remain in contact for most of the dance. When connection with your partner is broken it should be regained within 8 Modern Jive counts or competitors risk being penalised.

Dancers will be allocated a position(s) on the floor which corresponds to the heat sheets. Although dancers do not have to stay in their allocated position throughout the dance, we do ask that you be mindful of other dancers around you and do not encroach on another dancers space. This skill is called floorcraft and poor use of it could result in a couple being penalised.

Judging Criteria
Competitors will be judged on a number of criteria. In all events judges will be looking for Timing, Technique, Partnership, Musicality, and Moves. For teams and showcases judges will also look for Choreography, Teamwork, and Performance.

Music & Choreography
Teams and showcases should be choreographed to a known predefined piece of music. In all other events couples will dance to an undisclosed piece of music chosen by the competition organiser. Couples dancing finals at higher levels may get two tracks of different speeds. Dancing should be freestyle and judges will be looking for non-sequenced dancing. Obvious use of choreographed or repeated sequences of moves may result in a couple being penalised.

Dancing up
A level 1 or 2 dancer may dance up in level 3 and above if they are competing with a level 3 or 4 dancer. A level 3 or 4 dancer is not eligible to dance down in level 2 and below. For each category dancers can only compete in one level (e.g. if a level 2 dancer competes in Roulette level 3 & 4 they are not eligible to compete in Roulette level 1 & 2 at the same competition). However a level 1 or 2 dancer may compete in level 3 & 4 for one category and level 1 & 2 for another (e.g. dance up with a higher level dancer for Roulette and dance with level 1 or 2 partners in Swaps and Steals level 1 & 2).

Same sex couples, male follows, and female leads are permitted in all pre-partnered events. The important thing is to make sure there is a clear lead and follow in the dance (which can’t be changed and swapped around during the event) gender doesn’t matter.

Permitted Moves

The following table highlights the types of moves that are permitted for each level and category. Explanations of each type of move are below.

It is important to note that if a move is permitted, it should only be attempted if it can be done safely and is within the capabilities of your partner. Your judges ranking will be affected should moves be performed in an unsafe manner.

All Levels Leans Supported
Lucky Dip
Level One and Two Leans Supported
Swaps and Steals
Dance Roulette
Level Three and Four Leans Supported
Swaps and Steals
Dance Roulette
Performances Leans Supported
Teams level 1
Teams open



In a lean a dancer is supported along the whole body of their partner. Leans are considered the simplest and safest supported moves and are allowed in all categories. A lead should still ask for permission before performing a lean on their partner.

Supported Moves

The leader of a dip supports their partner using their hands or arms and often with some part of the torso in contact to lift their partner off vertical, and the partner should also be supporting their own weight as much as possible.

The leader of a drop supports their partner using hands or arms to lower their partner close to the floor, often to horizontal.

The leader of a seducer uses their hands and arms to initiate the move and their upper leg to support their partner when tilted into position.  (In some dance schools the term seducer is used interchangeably with “dip”)

Dancers in the splits parallel to the floor are assisted with the support of their partner for lowering into position and/or rising our, qualifying this as a supported move.


We consider aerials or lifts to be moves where a dancer supports the weight of their partner with the aim to take them off the floor.  These moves can vary in several ways and are often split into different types: baby aerials and full aerials.

Baby Aerial
Is a move intended to take one partner off the floor and support the majority of their weight at or below chest height of the supporting partner.

Full Aerial
Is a move intended to take one partner off the floor and support the majority of their weight above chest height of the supporting partner.

More information

Competition Homepage

Levels and Points