Stefan & Joanna

Photo by Geoffrey Irons

From the Deep Dark South we welcome the Simply, the Masters of Chaos, the delightfully naughty Stefan and Jo. We expect lots of “naughty” on the dancefloor in their masters performance, if their last year’s floorial final is anything to go on. 

Stefan says:

My dance journey began in mid-2015 when my flatmate invited me to Ceroc Nelson after seeing an ad in the newspaper. Intrigued, I attended my first dance lesson and fell in love with the flexibility of Modern Jive, the diverse music, and the chance to meet new people and make friends. Within a year, I trained as a teacher and began travelling the country to further my skills. With the support of my favourite human and dance partner of about 6 years, Joanna Copedo, we founded Inspire Modern Jive. Over the past five years, we have continually aimed to improve and grow the local dance community through our fun classes and awesome Dance Parties/events.

Jo says:

After moving to Nelson in 2016, a friend invited me to a Ceroc class. After a few months, I finally decided to attend and instantly fell in love with it. From that moment, I wanted to immerse myself completely.

Five years ago when Stefan and I started Inspire I wanted to simply inspire people to dance, build a dance community, and further my ability. I love the modern jive dance style  and teaching it. My favourite part about the community is watching people grow and develop in their dance. I love seeing the enjoyment on their face when they master something, a move or a technique, and know that they are improving. 

We look forward to dancing with you all at Simply